Today, I enjoyed an active seminar organized in 東京 (Tokyo) at 学校法人トラベルジャーナル学園ホスピタリティツーリズム専門学校 (Trajal Hospitality & Tourism College) to discuss the future of tourism in Japan and of 旅行産業経営塾 (Business School of Travel Industry) with colleagues from diverse Japanese travel agencies. We also celebrated the 80th anniversary of our teacher 山田・學 (YAMADA Manabu). A specialist even flew from 鳥取県 (Tottori prefecture) to attend this seminar!
Details on my Sébastien Duval Website: “BSTi & Japan’s travel industry seminar at Trajal Hospitality & Tourism College (Tokyo)“.

While savouring Gorgonzola pasta tonight at Café & Dining Horizon in Tokyo, I enjoyed the concert of two charming Japanese singers named Chika and Mary who played piano while singing in Japanese separately then together. The evening was globally pleasant, the restaurant full, and the entrance fee only 500 yens… I advise you to reserve a table if you attend a live music event at this Italian restaurant 

Special thanks to Chika and Mary for allowing me to use their photos, and best wishes for their upcoming concerts in Japan!

- IWAWAKI Chika = いわわき・ちか = 岩脇・千華, Mary = MARY. = まりー.
- Horizon = ホライズン, Tokyo = 東京.
- Yamagata prefecture = 山形県 (Yamagata-ken).
Having lunch at Nago café today, I had the good surprise to meet for the first time a sympathetic Japanese girl named MIYAGI Sanami who made seashell decorations for this Okinawan restaurant in Tokyo. Freelance artist, Sanami just spent a few hours on her creation but doesn’t it add a great touch to the place? These cute Made in Chiba decorations reminded me of artworks I saw on several islands of Okinawa archipelago… Big success!

Note: I enjoyed as usual the delicious Okinawan food cooked by Mr. NASHIRO Tsugumi 
Special thanks to MIYAGI Sanami for the nice chat in Japanese and for allowing me to use her photo.
- MIYAGI Sanami = 宮城・沙奈美, NASHIRO Tsugumi = 名城・嗣巳.
- Nago café = なごかふぇ, Tokyo = 東京.
- Okinawa archipelago = 沖縄諸島 (Okinawa-shoto).
Life in Tokyo & Travel in Japan